So I don’t know where to start. For a long time, I have been tempted to start blogging about technical stuff, live experience on the community, etc …

I guess the first time someone encourages me to do so was Jessica Forde on PyCaribbean 2018, to tell the world about my history on how I got to the python world and how it improved my live (more on that on a later post)

Moving to the present, some days ago I saw a lightning talk from my friend Andrew Knight at PyCon and I decided it was time to make this real. The next step was to figure out how was this going to be done. Do I create a Django or Flask site with serverless or a static site generator?

Static sites generator win this time since I just want to write and share my stories. Ok, so which one do we use a JS one to demonstrate my front end knowledge or a python one? Well, I have ended up with Hugo (Golang) for simple and beauty out of the box templates.

This is the start of a large journey that I hope we all enjoy and learn.

See you:)